Christakis Damianou ( Lab Leader)

Christakis Damianou (CUT) received a B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in Electrical engineering in 1988, 1990, and 1993 respectively. His research interests include MRI guided therapeutic ultrasound and MRI compatible robotics. Between 1988 and 1993, during his master and doctoral studies for a degree in electrical engineering he worked as a research assistant in the department of radiation oncology at the University of Arizona. Between 1993 and 1994 he worked as postdoctoral fellow in the department of radiology at Harvard University in Massachusetts. Between 1994 and 1995 he worked as a research scientist in the department of biophysics at Indiana University.


  • Anastasia Antoniou - Ph.D. canditate

  • Nikolas Evripidou - Ph.D. canditate

  • Antria Filippou - Ph.D. canditate

  • Georgios Lazarou - Researcher


  • Kleanthis Ioannides (M.D.)-Radiology

  • Kyriakos Spanoudis veterinarian

Ph.D. students

  • Kleanthis Ioannides

M.Sc. students

  • Christiana Efthimiou


  • George Menikou (Ph.D. with City University London).

  • Nicolas Papadopoulos (Ph.D. with City University London).

  • Christos Yiallouras (Ph.D.)

  • George Sayias (M.Sc, Electrical engineer).

  • Kiriaki Siakou (M.Sc, Electrical engineer ).

  • Michalis Trimikliniotis (M.Sc. with Liverpool University).

  • Eva Epaminonta, (B.Sc. thesis for the Cyprus University of Technology).

  • Margarita Theodoulou (B.Sc. thesis for the Cyprus University of Technology).

  • Drakos Theocharis (B.Sc. thesis for Cyprus University of Technology, Ph.D. with Cyprus University of Technology).

  • Michalis Sotiriou ( Ph.D. with Cyprus University of Technology)

  • Tereza Alecou (Ph.D. with Cyprus University of Technology)

  • Christina Kalogirou (B.Sc. thesis for the Cyprus University of Technology).

  • Stelios Stratis ((B.Sc. thesis for the Cyprus University of Technology, M.Sc. Biomedical Engineer)

  • Anna Antoniou, (M.Sc. Biomedical Engineer)

  • Andreas Georgiou ( Researcher)

  • Anastasia Nikolaou ( Researcher)

  • Elena Georgiou (Researcher)

  • Marios Stavrou (Researcher)

  • Michalis Kassinopoulos (Researcher)

  • Panayiotis Sophocleous (Researcher)

  • Vasiliki Zinonos (Researcher)

  • Sotia Zarvou (Researcher)