MRI-guided Focused UltraSound robotic system for preclinical research
FUSROBOT’s main goal is to produce an MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) robotic system for preclinical use of small and large animals. MRgFUS is becoming a very hot and attractive non-invasive modality for oncology (cancer), and neurology (Parkinson). Therefore, the number of research institutions involved in this area is growing rapidly. There is urgent need for these research institutions for affordable and functional preclinical MRgFUS robotic systems in order to explore new applications in MRgFUS. The goal is to produce a preclinical robotic system (final product) with 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) that can sonicate phantoms, excised tissue or animals using MRgFUS. The tissue heating can be accurately monitored using MR thermometry. The ultrasonic system will include a single element transducer (ranging from 20-60 mm in diameter) and will operate with a frequency ranging from 0.5 to 4 MHz. A software will be developed that will control this medical device. The system will be evaluated in phantoms, excised tissue and animals. By the end of the program all the necessary documents for patent application will be ready.